ANST - Why A&S Gets Ignored
Gunnora Hallakarva
gunnora at
Mon Sep 8 15:39:31 PDT 1997
Sael og heill!
I've been thinking today about why some displays might get ignored by
judges, and I have thought about one situation that no one has mentioned.
I am not saying that this applies to anyone we have been talking about, but
it does happen. What do you do, as a judge, when you are presented with
the work of some enthusiastic artisan who is proud of their work, when the
item being displayed is, well, horrible?
Let's say, for example, M'lady Bright-eyed has laboriously sculpted a
representation of the queen using cow manure as a medium. You know it's the
queen only because she says it is on the label. You look at this sculpture
and see, well, a pile of cow dung, and in more ways than one. Just
starting from the top of the list, there is zero aethetic appeal as it is a
shapeless blob, no utility (who wants a cow manure statue unless to
fertilize their garden?), as far as I am aware no one in the Middle Ages
used cow dung in this manner, and moreover the normal medium for scupture
was clay for models which eventually were made in final version in stone or
bronze. In short, the horrified judge can find nothing good at all to say
about this entry.
A few issues back in T.I., I saw a suggestion that judges should not allow
themselves to give one negative comment unles they have offered 4 or 5 or 6
positive comments first. I have heard it suggested that judges should
use the "ham sandwich" school of judging, where your critique consists of
fluffy white stuff, a very thin little slice of meat, and then more fluffy
white stuff. But what do you do when there are NO redeeming qualities
other than the fact that you have an enthusiastic artisan? I'd like to
hear wat judges and or Laurels have to say, but I'd also really like to
hear from the artisans... what would you want a judge to say to you if what
you had displayed was really, really bad?
It's a tough question. I'd really like someone to tell me, hopefully
quickly, so I can whisk the offending item out of sight so I don't embarras
myself. But what if I thought the item was wonderful? Would it hurt my
feelings? Perhaps. Of course, I usually show off my new works to friends
before I display, so if I had a disaster I'd know about it before time, and
thus never enter the day-glo orange polyester houppeland that I am so proud
I can see that the temptation for the judge would be to just pass by such a
display entirely, rendering the point moot.
Here's another situation: some people do not want a real critique. They
want only warm fuzzies. I really wish that such people would put out a
notice saying, "Admire my work" while those who want real critiques should
set out a sign saying, "Real critique, please. I can take it." If you
mistakenly give a real citique to someone who only wants to be told how
wonderful their work is, then they are apt to be upset and mad at the judge
for not properly appreciating their masterpiece.
Artisans just have to realize that sometimes their displays will not
receive the attention that they should. I am well known for quality
research papers and documentation. Now I'd like a show of hands... how
many judges actually read the research papers or documentation I displayed
way back when? That was before the days when we started asking for
research papers to be sent in in advance, so you were relying on people to
wander by your display and actually read the document at that time. Having
sat with my displays over the years, I can tell you that people rarely
touched the documentation at all, and never the longer research. I finally
had the light of realization come on over my head one day and contented
myself with sending research papers to T.I., where they did get read.
Nowdays the entrant who has a research paper sends it in ahead of time, and
it is given to one of several judges who have agreed to spend the time and
care necessary to read the papers, look up references if necessary, and
provide a useful critique.
I have to stress that if you feel your display has not gotten the attention
which it deserves, make sure to run down a Laurel or two, possibly those
who share your art, and ask them to review your work. And though in an
ideal world one shouldn't have to, you could also go speak to the judges
directly, letting them know that you feel that they have overlooked your work.
Wæs Þu Hæl (Waes Thu Hael)
Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa þik hversu oðlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Aðal
(Ek eigi thik hversu odhlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Adhal)
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