ANST - Stefan's files for October
Mark Harris
mark_harris at
Sat Sep 13 23:52:33 PDT 1997
A Blending of the Past and Present
Because I am now getting materials for my files from a variety of sources in
addition to the Rialto ( including articles sent to me by email
and several mail lists, I have decided to rename my files, StefanÕs Florilegium.
Florilegium - (literally, "a gathering of flowers"). In medieval times,
Florilegia were collections of choice tidbits (from Ovid, Aristotle, various
popes, church scholars, etc.) arranged topically. Typically, a florilegium is
huge, encyclopedic, and contains only choice selections from particular works.
Anyone interested in these files is encouraged to request a copy of my complete
filelist by email. I can send this filelist or any of these files by email or
even by copying them to a computer diskette if you donÕt have WWW access.
Those of you who have World-Wide-Web (WWW) access can get these files at:
Ld. Stefan li Rous markh at
Ansteorra (512)892-0036
Here are the new files for this month:
AS-food-msg Displaying food items at A&S events.
cb-rv-Apicius-msg Reviews of cookbooks having Apicius recipes.
cheap-meats-msg Cheap meats for feasts. Cooking with them.
Compleat-Cook-art ÒThe Compleat CookÓ by Dame Alys Katharine.
fd-Italy-msg Period Italian food. Cookbooks.
fleece-types-art ÒFleece Types in the Middle AgesÓ by Ailene nic Aedain.
largess-ideas-msg Ideas for largess and gifts. Royalty gifts.
looms-msg Medieval looms.
paper-msg Medieval paper. Sources for similar paper.
taverns-msg SCA and period taverns.
I am also happy to announce the addition of these articles from
Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton of Leicester:
confession-art ÒGoing to Confession in the Middle AgesÓ.
Crit-Research-art ÒGetting the Most Out of Your ResearchÓ.
local-hist-art ÒUsing Local Histories for SCA ResearchÓ ÒAn Introduction to Palaeography for ScribesÓ
pop-religion-art ÒChristianity and Popular Practice in the Middle AgesÓ.
These files have had substantial additions this past month:
beadwork-msg Beadwork on clothing. Bead types, sources.
dairy-prod-msg Dairy products. milk, butter, curds, cream.
Gypsies-msg Gypsy culture. Also called Rom or Romani.
kniting-msg Period kniting.
perfumes-msg Medieval perfumes and pomanders.
saffron-msg Types of saffron. period uses.
sewing-msg Sewing ideas and stitches.
toys-msg Period and SCA toys.
velvet-msg Medieval velvets. Modern substitutions.
Wales-msg Welsh culture. avail. newsletters.
Copyright 1997, Mark S. Harris, 5628 Wagon Train Rd. Austin TX 78749.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the contents are left unchanged.
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