ANST - In memory of...
Faramond Darkfox
faramond at
Sat Sep 13 22:12:20 PDT 1997
I can still remember the first time I met him. I was at Samhain 1991.
He had a booth set up (I'm not really sure it was a booth or if he was
just sitting in an open tent. I walked over to him and he just looked
up at me, looked at me for a few seconds, and started sketching. After
a few seconds he handed me, well, myself, kinda. I was a thin fox with
dark fur. This was my first event and I remember certain parts of it
with vivid detail. I remember the Samhain fire. I remember a few other
events in the weekend. But, the thing I remember the most is that small
sketch. I wanted to thank Master Blackfox for that sketch but I can
never pay him back completely. But I plan on trying.
What I am asking for is anyone who has Master Blackfox sketches, comic
strips, and drawings for a gallery of his works. I also plan on having
a section for other peoples artwork, poems, and other works of art
honoring the man himself. Anyone who wishes to send me their submitals,
please send the scanned works to d_f_s at If you do not have a
scanner and still wish to send submitions please email the above address
and I will arrange something. Please, keep in mind that I wish to honor
a great man and am asking everyone for their help. Please tell everyone
that you know that has Blackfox art or wishes to honor him and does not
have email capabilities. Thank you and in two weeks, whether I have a
good response or not (I'm guessing and hoping that I do) I will announce
the address of the site. Thank you again for your help.
Faramond Darkfox
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