ANST - Cuir Boilii (sp?
Mark Harris
mark_harris at
Fri Sep 19 14:31:25 PDT 1997
Gunnora said:
>Some cuir buoilli is boiled in salt water.
>Other types apparently were done in "wax" howvere I suspect that instead of
>paraffin or beeswax, it would have been a much tougher substance with a
>higher melting point.
If you have any evidence of the use of wax for this process, I would really
be interested in seeing it. Several years ago Duke Cariadoc was among those
recommending the use of wax. He now says that he can find no evidence for
wax being used in this way and only boils his now. Some of the other
proponents of hardened-leather armor have always doubted the use of wax.
I still think there are advantages to using wax to harden SCA armor and
there are some good descriptions and ideas on how to do this in this
file in the COMBAT section of Stefan's Florilegium:
armor-leather-msg (47K) 8/21/97 Making leather armor.
Unfortunately, I don't think there are any messages in this file addressing
double-boiling of the leather, but it might be worth checking.
Stefan li Rous
(My files can be found at:
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