ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
Mitchell at
Mon Sep 22 07:03:00 PDT 1997
Pug expressed distress that:
> While at Raven's Fort, the Order of the Pelican was called into court
> in order to announce the upcoming peerages of two deserving
> individuals. The disturbing part for me was the fact that there was
> not a single member of the Order present in court. (I honestly
> tell you how many were at the event, but I know there was one there
> earlier in the day since they spoke for Dieter during his Knighting
> ceremony.)
It was the last item of a very late court; I don't believe too much can
be drawn from such a single instance.
I noticed only six Masters and Mistresses of the Pelican there
all day (four were knights). If they were day-tripping, I certainly
don't blame them for having left by that hour; quite a few of the
knights had left, too.
I think attendance by certain groups will vary widely by the type of
event; I recall only two knights at the Kingdom Dance Symposium
in Elfsea this summer; I was one, I'm married to the lady who
autocratted the event; the other was visiting from Trimaris. At
the Known World Dance Symposium in Meridies in February,
I was only one of four knights there; three of those knights had
come from Ansteorra. Likewise, when the knights were called
forth for the announcement of the knighting of HRM Kein some
years back, there were only four present to come forward; it was
a Candlemas in Bryn Gwlad, and there were only three knights
resident in BG then, and one visiting from Bjornsborg that day.
Likewise, this spring at Squires' Invitational, His then-Highness
Kein, as Crown Prince, called up the Laurels to announce that
TRM Mahadi and Valeria would be making a Laurel at Steppes
Warlord; there was only one Laurel present.
Sorry Pug, despite appearances, neither the Laurels nor the
Chivalry number in the "millions".
I don't believe that the Order of the Pelican is in any danger of
dying out in Ansteorra, my own induction notwithstanding. My
only hesitance in posting a long list of very active members of
that order is the certainly that I would leave out several who are
presently engaged in making important contributions.
Besides, I happen to believe that, Their Majesties having invoked
his memory a short while earlier in court, William Blackfox was there
in spirit; I'm willing to be content with that.
- Galen of Bristol
hoping to be worthy of having
been announced on the same day
as Claryce.
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