ANST - Kingdom Chronicler's Address
Keith Ewing
keandbc at
Thu Sep 25 07:06:26 PDT 1997
You wrote:
>HEY I"M SO EXCITED when is your pelican elevation to occur. I wish to
>send my love to it at least. I'm sorry to say that mundane life has
>taken a big bite out of my life at this time. It makes it impossible
>me to attend anything outside of the Barony. BUT IT"SD GREAT that you
>have came so far and a pillar of what the pelican's represent in the
>society today. If I can do anything here to help please please please
>let me know. I would do any thing to help if you need it and it's
>my means.
>Second Elizabeth Spears-Wesley sent in a report late, Can we get a
>reciept for the payment since she paid. That way all the money is
>accounted for on year end at kingdom level.
>WE have moved to RT 2 Box 181 Lubbock, TX 79415 if you can send the
>information to me please.
>OH I'm so excited for you it's great. Are you coming to Kingdom A&S?
>house is getting full but I have LOTS of floor space if you need to
To everybody....aren't Kodac moments great!! Thanks for sharing such a
wonderful letter with all the virtual writers of this kingdom!!
Have a great morning...our cool front finally arrived!!
In service to the Dream, cool weather, and a cold...
Alisha, Regina
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