ANST - To Become Principalities Or Not

susanford susanford at
Sat Apr 11 11:03:30 PDT 1998

> Greeting From Alina:
> I'm totally against the idea of cutting of our kingdom, Ansteorra. The only
> reasons I heard and/or seen on the net are as followed:
> 1. The time and distance it takes to travel to events. (You'll have the same
> problem when and if Ansteorra ever becomes principalities.)

Those who travel will always travel, and those who don't, 
won't. However, I really don't want to have to cross 
kingdom borders to travel to some of my favorite places to 
play. I came into this game travelling, and I still do. 
Even as a newbie, I'd go down to Bjornsborg, Emerald Keep, 
or Stargate from Eldern hills. To fund the travels, I'd 
share the ride. I don't like the idea of carving up 
Ansteorra like a trussed up pig. 
> 2. Another is not wanting to deal or associate with a particular group.
> (Forgive me for writing this I don't mean to sound rude, but that is a really
> stupid reason.)   

There are people in my Barony and even in my Household that 
I can't stand the sight of. I deal with it. All the parts 
make up the whole.
> 3. The other is to be something new and be different. (That one doesn't make
> sense. To be new and different is not all it's cracked up to be.)

Different isn't always better. I've been in the SCA for 
fifteen years and Ansteorra has changed quite a bit in 
that time. Some for the better, some not. Change is always 
occuring, so to have something different for differences 
sake seems redundant.

>Are there more reasons?

I've heard it said that it will relieve the kingdom 
calendar. How can adding Principality events to the Kindom 
list relieve the calendar? That argument doesn't wash.

I've also heard that it would help with paperwork. Well, an 
active Principality (or three) would just add to the 
already big pile of paper, what with one (maybe three) new 
Royal couple to keep track of.

>,"United we stand, divided we fall."

If Ansteorra was  divided into three Principalities, and 
those Principalities eventually became Kingdoms (it is, 
after all, possible), then Ansteorra would cease to exist. 
This, more than anything else, is my strongest objection.

I'm sure I'll think of more objections later.

HL Sigrid Eiriksdottir of Wolfstar
Barony of Namron
Ansteorra (forever, I hope)
Susan K. Ford
Norman, Oklahoma, zone 7a
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