ANST - sites and misuse of hospitality ...

j'lynn yeates jyeates at
Tue Apr 28 11:23:00 PDT 1998

On 28 Apr 98 at 9:28, Alan J. Boertjens wrote:

> Given our group, and our "eccentricities", having events at "dry"
> sites just will not fly.  e.g. No brewing/vintning category at a
> Kingdom Art/Sci event is ridiculous.  To put in business terms,
> these sites obviously do not understand the needs of their
> "customers". We should not give them our business.  They should not
> make money off of us with their absolutely horrific "customer
> relations" policy.

point of order .... having known several on the other side of the
equation (landowners) before you tar-and-feather all land-owners with
the same brush,  stop a minute and consdier *wahy* some of these
restrictions exist ... 

in many cases, these restrictions are based on insurance issues, local
law restrictions, past legal problems (example, who is held liable for
underage drinking on a private site ???),  personal religious
constraints (if a church or even private land held by person(s) with
strong convictions is used, you are honor bound to respect their
wishes on how their peoperty is used ...).  just slapping down a site
fee should never be considered a carte-blanche to .  

also consider, that in many cases you are paying for the mis-use of
that land by past tenants (cause of one no alchohol policy that i am
aware of) 

just slapping down a site fee should never be considered a
carte-blanche to mis-use the basic tenants of hospitality.   and one
of those basics is respect the wishes of your hosts.


... carpe ichthae
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