ANST - Dry sites will kill the SCA

Conor mac Cinneide carcassonnais at
Wed Apr 29 21:00:12 PDT 1998

"Dry sites will kill the SCA"

I have never heard a more ridiculous subject line on an e-mail.  In fact, I
found it rather insulting.  The idea that something like the SCA could be
killed simply by dry sites is an insult to every member of the SCA.

I agree that banning alcohol is an extreme reaction, but as a non-drinker
dry or wet makes no difference to me.

	>Drinking at events is a long-standing tradition.

But not necessarily a good one

	>Its an integral part to socializing in mundane society and it had better
	>be allowed in the SCA, otherwise people won't socialize here anymore
	>and the SCA will die...a most boring death at that!

In case you can't guess, this is the part I find insulting.  Millions of
people socialize without alcohol and seem to have a good time(myself
included).  If the SCA would die without alcohol, then it stands for nothing
and deserves death.  I think you underestimate the SCA, and the people in
it.  I do not think we should go alcohol free, but I also do not think we
should reject good sites because they are dry.  Alcohol is not integral to
the SCA.  It is enjoyable but I worry about anyone who cannot enjoy
themselves without alcohol.

It is pathetic if wet versus dry is the important criteria to choosing an
event.  I wish I had another word to use instead of pathetic, it comes off
as preachy and self-righteous, but I cannot think of another that fits.  If
you tell me that when deciding between two events, where you can only go to
one, you choose the wet event, fine.  A wet site provides a more enjoyable
event for many people.  But the blanket decision that only wet events are
worth going to is worrisome.  I have tried to say more, but everything
sounds preachy, and I want to avoid that, so I will just move on.

I see no trend towards dry events, and do not see it happening in the
future.  But the legal trend away from personal responsibility for your
actions(guy gets drunk and kills someone and sues the bar or
bartender)worries many of us, and the easiest response in the blanket
response.  For those who do not drink, a blanket ban on alcohol is the easy
way out.  I never have liked the easy way out.  But the declaration that we
must have drinking is just as bad as the suggestion that we get rid of all
drinking.  Moderation is the order of day.

	>I'm inserting a previous post at this point...

I liked the rest of this post.


lucetis sicut luminaria in mundo

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