ANST - Dry sites will annoy the chemically dependent

Evan Paul Langlinais skwid at
Thu Apr 30 13:57:24 PDT 1998

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Alan J. Boertjens wrote:
> The banning of alcohol at events is being driven by the site owners,
> YMCA and Boy Scouts, who are in the back pocket of the Christian
> right!

Oh, boy.  I realize it's too late, but:

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                      HITLER!  HITLER!  HITLER!  HITLER!

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                                 HEIL FUHRER!

                         NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZI!

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        Deutshland, Deutschland, uber Alles!  Uber Alles in der Welt!

Kill the verdammte thread!

|   |   |\ | | | ) Theudegisklos "Skwid" Sweinbrothar of the order Teuthoidia
|/| |\  |/ | |X| ( SKWID, Vulture V4 pilot       (   The Humblest Mollusc
  | | | |  | | | ) Evan "Skwid" Langlinais       )        on the Net
"BOO!"--The Man in Gray           

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