ANST - Re: the First Principality Meeting

stddly at stddly at
Wed Apr 8 17:47:01 PDT 1998

/Gunnora Hallakarva said:
/I have to point out here that: 


/ *However* being a Principality doesn't "get the South
/away from those Stargate Crowns" -- indeed, it is *extremely* important to
/recall that as a member of *any* Ansteorran Principality, you *will* be the
/subject of the Stellar Throne, no matter *who* is sitting that throne,
/whether you like them or hate them, so get used to it.  No King or Queen is
/*ever* going to have all of the people like them and agree with them, even
/part of the time -- this is your right, to disagree.  You still have to
/*obey* the Crown, or else sit out that reign and don't play if you can't
/manage to play nice.  

People only have as much sway in your life as you will give them.
It is silly to let people affect you even to the point that you
"sit out for a reign", at most events it is rather easy to avoid
contact with persons you dislike...


/The reasons are various why folks don't want the Southern Principality to
/stretch all the way to Stargate:.  
/(3A) The most important is to consider the fact that if one includes
/Stargate, one will most likely have to include the neighboring groups in
/what we might call the "Greater Stargate Area", including Bordermarch.  Not
/that there's anything wrong with that, until you look at the population.
/The "Greater Stargate Area" has the lion's share of Ansteorra's population,
/and so far as I am aware, always has.  This is natural considering the size
/of the area and the density of the mundane population.  

If you look at the numbers the Coastal Region has about the same numbers
as North, South and Central (over 200). So I don't agree with "lion's share"

/People were complaining that combining Western and Southern Regions to form
/a Principality was "half the kingdom" (NOT - it may be geographically half,
/but not anything near that population-wise) and this was perceived to be a
/major problem, counteracting the desires to lessen travel distances and
/lower the administrative burden for the nascent principality.  

So would the west or the southern regional officers loose their positions?
Including the West would "in theory" make all of us responsible to
travel more to the other region. Why try to impose something that does
not naturally exist??? (Though we (Kief and I)try to expose ourselves
to the culture of          all regions of our kingdom, we usually choose
SR event above others because we both feel that being a Regional Officer
(Kief for the past 2 years and me recently) means that you should know
the people of the areas you administrate)

/Stargate alone has a very large SCA population, and when you add in the
/"Greater Stargate Region" then you have enough people for that small
/southeastern corner of Ansteorra to form their *own* principality

As could the North, Central and South
The minimum numbers the Seneschal would
consider to consider a petition are 150 sustaining


/(3C) Yet another reason I have heard is that, really, folk had not
/considered including *any* of the Coastal groups.  However, Seawinds
/specifically is petitioning to be included

I would not assume that a note from someone in the group, even with the
permission of the seneschal should be "officially" considered a petition
I would think that it would take at least the knowledge of the populace
of a group and not the decision of 2 officers for a "petition" to be
considered "valid".

/  which means that in order for
/them to be included, La March Savage must also be.

Who first heard about it last weekend (and whose name was included in
the letter for HE Jehane to present WITHOUT their knowledge or permission)
And are not thrilled that someone outside their group "spoke for them".

/  This in turn means that
/Rivertree may wish to consider the same thing, and so on.  I fully agree
/that any groups bordering the Southern Region should be allowed to choose
/to be included *if* Southern does go for Principality status.  Since some
/undoubtedly will, better not to bite off too huge a hunk of the kingdom to
/start with!  If the Principality is congruent with the entire Kingdom, you
/have rather missed the point!
/(3D) The last reason I have heard for not specifically wanting to include
/the Stargate Area in a Southern Principality is the fact that the
/southeastern portion of Ansteorra has its own very distinct SCA sociology
/(as, for that matter, does the North, South, etc.) and in many ways this
/differs from the way people play elsewhere, specifically in the Southern
/Region.  None of this is an absolute bar from combining the groups, but if
/you compare you will find that different regions have different beliefs
/about the awards structure (who should get an award, what is required for
/that award to be given, what the prerequisites for that award should be),

Not really, the prereqs for an award vary from person to person...from
I like that person so they deserve an AoA (even though they have only
been in 4 months and don't wear SCA clothes to events) to this person
has held x offices and worked at all functions for 4 years and so finally
they deserve the title...and that is within the Southern Region...

/different styles of holding courts, feasts, and events in general, they
/have differing views of appropriate ceremonies and what those ceremonies mean.

again these vary from person to person.

/(4) Let me make this plea to all who are reading this missive:  we are
/trying to consider the possibility of forming a Principality in a serious,
/polite, peaceful way, so that everyone is happy with the final plan and no
/one gets hurt.  Let us please try not to put anyone over the grille
/specifically and roast them for their views.  We are *all* entitled to our
/beliefs, and others should respect that, even if you violently disagree
/with the opinion, or even violently detest the person with the opinion.


/Given that, let me ask all of us: DO NOT STIR THE BUNNIES as regards the
/Principality discussion!  Let's all commit to peaceful, polite, respectful
/discussion, with equal consideration given to ALL opinions, no matter how
/far from our own those might be.

****AMEN again***

Lorraine DeerSlayer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to perform mailing list tasks.
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