ANST - Re: Belts and other stuff

Askell Askell at
Fri Apr 10 06:45:23 PDT 1998

Melody the mostly-still-asleep here,

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the input on belts, and the originator
of the topic (ok, I'm too asleep to remember who exactly started all this).  I
know that my lord and I have both considered taking up a belt (he as a squire,
me as an apprentice) and have been somewhat put off by the all-too-common
perception that such a commitment was merely a lable stating "I want to be a
knight/laurel."  It was really wonderful and heartening to read so many
differing opinions.  I'm glad to hear that we are not the only ones who see
this as a commitment to serve, to learn and to improve ourselves and who view
the possibility of someday perhaps becoming a peer as frosting, not the cake.

Ok, my two cents on the principality--simply a pragmatic one from a basically
lazy soul.  From someone who loves my job (chronicler) but hates the paperwork
(reports) I can't help but seeing the creation of a principality as another
layer of (needless?) beauracracy (sp? --it's just too early for me to spell).
Couldn't we just work on fully utilizing the system we have?  

As a sidebar.  Gee there seems to be some uh, interesting perceptions about
some of the folks in Stargate.  Maybe some of you out of the area should come
visit some time.  In the years I've been here all I've encountered is a bunch
of really nice people, trying to participate in the best way they know how.

Thanks also to Mayne for suggesting that we could all grow a little thicker
skin.  I suppose it really wouldn't hurt any of us.

Hoping I haven't offended/confused anyone and going back to bed now.

--only out of bed because her lord made some cryptic remark about missing some
stuff on-line in the last few days and promptly rolled over and went back to
sleep.  I'm going now to put my cold feet in middle of his nice warm back
(evil grin!).
Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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