ANST - To Become Principalities Or Not

Corey Van Zandt sircorwin at
Sun Apr 12 17:49:24 PDT 1998

Simply would be a whole lotta fun....more local pomp and 
circumstance....leading to a closer knit local group.....This is how the 
SCA grows...this is how is has come to be what it is...with out 
growth...stagnation occurs...change is inevitable and its a better when 
its controlled change...thats what makes it Fun!.....Just think of the 
Border disputes we can have....Always remember its for FUN!.....possibly 
some day in the future....WARS within our 20th and 25th 
anniversaries....People will come from all the other kingdoms, if we 
invite them, just to play with us and fight in our own interkindom 
war...but without the drive. Remember if it isn't fun...dont do it...if 
it hurts none, do what thou will!

Living the Dream
Sir Corwin

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