ANST - Awards and such

Vicki Marsh zarazina at
Wed Apr 15 12:51:42 PDT 1998

Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace said:

>Okay, I surrender--what's a motley sash for?  For that matter, what was
>Madonnas given for?

Burke McCrory said:
>Ok, If my old and decrepit memory work right.  These are all Ansteorra
Principality awards.

Gilded thorn was for service to the prince/princess.
Aristotle Discipuli was for service to the Principality
Madonnas of Ansteorra was for work with the children.
Pillars was for service to the Principality by a household.


My memory is just as old a decrepit as yours, Burke, but I thought that the Aristotle Discipuli was for excellence in the Sciences.  I remember that Brenda the Potter, Baron Vargskol, and Leonitas (now called Lodevicio) were in it.  Lodevicio may have gone by another name before Leonitas, but I don't remember it.  You know, the Artist formerly called (!!!!!!).

The Madonnas for Ansteorra was given primarily to parents who raised their children in accordance with the SCA beliefs in honor and courtesy, along with teaching the Arts and Sciences.

I did not have any children of my own, but I took care of many others, in particular Simon and Tessa's boys.  I also organized and ran children's activities at the first Crown Tournament, along with Lady Katrina and others.
It is much like the current Compass rose.

Zara zina
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