ANST - War Chronicle...

Pug Bainter pug at
Thu Apr 30 05:23:02 PDT 1998

From: "Sarah R. Rogers" <crystoma at>
To: newsletters at, sca-chroniclers at

The War Chronicle was a HUGE success last year, due mainly to all of
your help. We would like to see it grow this year, and need your help.
Please remember that this is an effort by Chroniclers on behalf of
everyone, and our main contribution to the War.
	Last year's efforts helped the Middle Kingdom to make a substantial
donation to assist the new Kingdom of Aethelmearc with its newsletter,
as well as provide start-up funds for this year. Since we've been pegged
as a fundraiser rather than a Pennsic service, we can use the money we
earn to help other Chronicling efforts, such as the new kingdom of
	In addition, we provide valuable and up-to-date information to Pennsic
attendants, such as weather, War points, schedule changes, health alerts
and other items. We are entertaining and enlightening as well, with a
number of cool articles and features.

This announcement is for the Pennsic newspaper. If you would please
carry it in your newsletter, it would be greatly appreciated. Please
note that the web page is NOT up yet, but will be soon. Also, if you
could post this on your kingdom mailing lists, we'd appreciate it.

Many thanks!
THL Heirusalem Crystoma

The Pennsic War Chronicle is Back!
The Known World's only daily newsletter is returning to Pennsic War this
year! Thank you for your support that made last year such a success!
Subscriptions are now available: On-site for $4, mailed to the address
of your choice for $5.
Advertising space is also available.
Articles, art and photos welcome!
Many staff positions are also open.
Please contact THL Eilonwen verch Gryffyn, Wyn Wright, 479 Piccadilly
Square-Apt. F, Cincinnati, OH 45255  (513)688-1831  MKChronr at for
more information.
Watch for more information and

                         In service to the Society and
             /\           the Dream which keeps us all
            |  |              up to our elbows in ink,
      /\     ||     /\
      | \___/--\___/ |          THL Heirusalem Crystoma
       \_/  \__/  \_/           Society Chronicler
        |\__/  \__/|            AKA: Sarah R. Rogers
        |/  \__/  \|            2204 N  950 E
       ./\__/  \__/\,           Lafayette, IN  47905
       | /  \__/  \ |           (765)589-3443
       \/    \/    \/           Also TAAP Central Archivist
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