ANST - Event costs

Jocelyn Hinkle scribe_ari at
Mon Jan 19 10:50:56 PST 1998

Hello and joy to all,

I have been paying attention to this discussion and feel that it has
been useful and valid. Like all society members I can see the angst
that might be built up over expensive events, and in the long run it
is these prices that we remember. I have attended Wars where the site
fee was anywhere between $35 - $70 dollars. This did upset me, but I
also have learned to keep in mind that there are many smaller cheaper
events throughout the year that have very reasonable $7-  $12 site
fees. It is a fact that the larger events do try to make a "profit"
and it is often this very same profit that is turned back into the
coffers of the host group to aid in funding the smaller events or
newsletters. As well, "profits" are often turned to the use of the
crown for the same reasons. Travel is an expensive thing. True, it is
often preferred that the crown is taken with the understanding that
many of the expenses of travel are to be personally handled, but still
a little aid is useful and often neccessary. As for camping events,
the rental of portable toilets, tents and the cleanup of these things
is a very large expense. There was an incident with a group back in
the Outlands where a portable toilet was lost off the back of the
truck that was moving it. It cost $500 to replace. This money was
fronted from the "profits" of the local large baronial event.  
     My point being, in the long run the large "profit " made at some
events, is in most cases spent later in the year on the little things
that always come up at the last minute. I am not trying to offend
anyone with this analysis, so if you wish to string me up I will
provide you with an effigy. Just don't yell while you do it.

Joy to all


Who said fencing is for whimps? It takes a real man to look like that. Oh swoon.....
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