ANST - cloved fruit

Mitman, Rikki Rikki.Mitman at
Mon Jan 26 06:34:52 PST 1998

>When Susanne told me she wanted to decorate the hall for Stargate's Yule
>Revel with cloved fruit it was under the condition that they *not* be
>reachable by the populace.  If it's a game that everyone enjoys there's
>no problem.  But when you're mixing those who like the game with those
>who don't, you're asking for trouble.
Good judgement on your part, Perronnelle. Some take the "game" too far,
and I've seen more than one person hurt because of it. Perhaps the
inclusion of cloved fruit at an event could be accompanied by an
explanation in the site handout that reminds people to be *courtly* in
their participation.

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