ANST - dead traditions

Charlene Charette charlene at
Mon Jan 26 09:45:48 PST 1998

dssweet at wrote:

> The 4DoA.

Actually, no.  The original statement concerned dances that *are* dead,
not dances some *want* dead.  For those not in the dance community,
Estrill is referring to the "four dances of the apocolypse":  Hole in
the Wall, Korobushka, Scotland the Brave/Road to the Isles/Gae Gordons,
and Trenchmore? (*YIPES*!  I can't recall the fourth!).

> Now you've tweaked my curiosity...what dance did HRM want to do?

He wanted Strip the Willow.  I've never seen it done.  That's not to say
it hasn't been, but it seems to have died out.  I don't mind doing
*some* terribly popular dances that are GOOP (grossly out of period),
but I try not to introduce new ones.  The key here is "terribly
popular."  Therefore, we still dance and I still teach Korobushka, but
not SCA "Scotland the Brave".  And then there's Hole in the Wall -- I
hate all that reverencing, then discovered that there isn't a single one
in the original -- we don't do the steps correctly to use up the music
(but Estrill already knows this <G>).
>      Speaking of dance: at Namron's Rapier Champion & Collegium we had
> much dancing throughout the day in classes and then, that night, a
> masked ball. 4 sets of Heralds in Love, 7 sets of Hit & Miss & Rufty
> Tufty. The only DoA we did was Korobushka as the very last dance before
> the hall closed.

I've started using Korobushka as the first dance.  It's something
everyone knows and gets people up to start dancing.  We used to use HiTW
that way, but since I really don't care to do HiTW, I changed it.


PS:  Estrill, did you get my private mail about dance classes at Gulf
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