ANST - Re: Kids with Boffers

joelight joelight at
Thu Jul 9 08:44:31 PDT 1998

Guillaume wrote:
>First: Let's do something to keep from losing our teens to Amptguard, LARP,
>and ren faires.
>Second: Let them do something more interesting than toting armor and tents,
>like Boffer Tourneys.
>Third: Let the 16 and 17 yr olds on the list field with the adults. Corpora
>doesn't object.
>I agree with 1 and 2, and I'm escalating to the 3rd thought.

So, basically, it comes down to this.  As parents of older teens, we want
our kids to be able to do these things.  Now, how are we gonna accomplish
it?  Is there a procedure?  What do we need to do?

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