ANST - Children stop...

Pug Bainter pug at
Sun Jun 28 12:04:37 PDT 1998

Good Morning,

  There are several rules of etiquette being broken, and I wish them to
  stop now. I hate having to do this, but if we are not able to behave
  like adults, I will have to remind us how to.

  1) Do not post private email without permission. This is like
     recording a phone conversation and playing it back for all to hear.
     Although it is not illegal, it is not politely acceptable. Othar's
     email was private to the individual, and they took it upon themself
     to make it public.

  2) Reverting to public humiliation and name calling is not polite nor

  3) Posting anonymously just to hide your identity is childish and

  4) Although it is sloppy, confusing, and difficult to read unedited
     posts, people are in their rights to post them. However those that
     post in this manner should remember that there are people who do
     have limited resources to read this email. People pay by connect
     time, message size, etc, so you are forcing them to pay more money
     seeing the same message multiple times. For those who don't know,
     when replying, you can leave bits in, and intersperse your comments
     in them. This is a way to refer back to the previous discussion
     without having it in its entirety.

  5) When trying to correct behavior, be polite and it will work a
     helluvalot better.

In service to this sandbox,
Ansteorran List Administer

Phelim "Pug" Gervase  |  "We have a constitutional right to make
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |   fools of ourself."
House Flaming Dog     |   --Lawyer on NPR regarding 
pug at           |     the Unabomber self-defense
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