ANST - to serve or not to serve...

ulrica ulrica at
Mon Sep 28 14:15:48 PDT 1998

Clarissa wrote:
>My basic concerned with buffet style isn't about feast enjoyment. I
>prefer a served feast but I understan the problems of getting enough
>servers.  With buffets, however, I am more concerned about having enough
>food. I have been to many buffet style feasts where a number of the
>dishes ran out before many folks hade served themselves.  At minimum, the
>meat dishes should be served by someone that knows the portion sizes the
>cook has planned.

There are lots of pros and cons either way.  I think that when you serve a
huge amount of people that a buffet set up on either end of the hall would
be a good idea...the catch would be to serve it, not just set it out and
leave it.  If it is supervised, then the amounts will be proportioned and
everyone will get a turn.  Another idea that I have seen is to have everyone
come in and set up their feast tables, then clear the hall and have your
kitchen crew set out the breads, cheeses, fruits, etc. on the table.  This
allows people to munch while the buffet line goes on....

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