ANST - Non-doc Venues...

jhartel jhartel at
Tue Feb 16 15:05:14 PST 1999

Michael Tucker wrote:
> There should still be a venue for artisans to show off their stuff without fear
> of being harshly judged. Actually, there are several:

Greetings from an Ansteorran transplanted in the Mid-Realm!  Up here we
have House Athenium (the same House that runs the Fashion Extravaganza
at Pensic)who offers a place to display A&S projects without fear of
being "judged".  They do not require documentation (though it is never
turned away!) but focus more on the art/science of each project.  The
house is comprised of several Laurels and several apprentices.  The main
goal of the House is to promote the A&S within the Society.  Everyone is
encouraged to show their projects whether completed or still in the
works.  Even children are able to show, my daughter showed two mosaics
she made last year with a simple note of what she knew of mosaics.  

*I* enjoy this type of venue.  It was nice to be able to show some of my
dyeing/spinning in a "non-combat" type environment.  Also, being new to
the Mid-Realm I did not know how they ran their A&S events so this also
gave me a chance to ask questions to prepare for other events AND at the
same time still be able to show what I was able to do.

Another nice thing about the House Athenium display is that if you would
like to get feedback on your wiork you just put a piece a piece of paper
next to it with a note that says PLEASE COMMENT.  "Most" people will
comment on the visual aspect of the piece but  sometimes people put
other sources for you to look at or other such helpful info.

I believe in "judged" competitions but I also like the idea of having a
place to display one's works just for the pure beauty of it.

Enough rambling...
Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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