ANST - Status of Northkeep fire victims

Rebecca M. Heydon rebecca-heydon at
Mon Jul 12 10:35:34 PDT 1999

Thank you to Lady Simone for posting information regarding the sizes and
needs of items for the Walkers.

Here is the information for the Oates family:

	Pam - 	18w		shoes 8 (women's)
	Jodi - 	16-18 top (women's)	shoes 6 1/2-7 (women's)
			18-20 pants (women's)
	Katie - 	16 girls or		shoes 8 (women's)
			small (women's)
	Courtney - 	girls 10		shoes 1 1/2(girls)

They are in desperate need of garb as all of theirs was destroyed so gifts
of fabric would be gratly appreciated as well.

In service,

Lady Rowan ni Coerc
Seneschal, Barony of Northkeep
Tulsa, OK

At 11:57 AM 7/12/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>> Greetings!  I apologize for the duplicate postings....
>> In light of events over this past weekend, I have been asked to post a
>> "status check" of sorts regarding the two Northkeep families who have lost
>> their homes to fire.
>> Roger and Renee Walker - Their home was lost to fire this past weekend
>> while they attended TYC.  Most everything was a loss though I have been
>> given to understand that their daughter had belongings at a friend's house
>> and the family pets had been taken elsewhere.  Thank heavens for that.
>> Donations collected at TYC amounted to close to $3000 (three thousand) and
>> items from many of the merchants present.
>> Pam Oates and family - She and her 3 daughters lost their home to an
>> electrical fire over Memorial Day Weekend.  They, too, lost most
>> everything.  To date, donations amount to $295 (two hundred ninety-five)
>> and a carload of clothes and miscellaneous household items delivered from
>> Southern Ansteorra by Lady Simone and her lord.
>> Both families could certainly use any assistance that anyone is willing to
>> give.  If anyone has any questions about either family or is in need of
>> contact information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
>> In service,
>> Lady Rowan ni Coerc
>I will again be making a trip to NorthKeep with Donations for these families
>on the 31st. I will be at Elfsea's Fighter Practice sunday the 18th and 24th
>to recive donations. For those who do not Know Roger and Renee's son is the
>Young Bard Anthony of NorthKeep.
>for cloaths Roger is a size Medium shirt and 34-36 Pants renee is a size
>18 -24. and Anthony  a medium
>the family needs clathing, household goods, toletries, garb, pet supplies,
>toys anthoy is 10m going on 11. Bardic Material, sewing supplies.
>Thank You
>Lady Simone
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Rebecca M. Heydon			
University of Tulsa - College of Law Library	
ph:  918-631-3557 (voice mail only)	
fax:  918-631-2151  
rebecca-heydon at
"Language is the light of the mind."
		--John Stuart Mill
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