ANST - Kingdom Dance & the Law; Was Alexandrian vs. Dance

Mark.S Harris rsve60 at
Mon Jul 12 12:34:25 PDT 1999

Pug Bainter wrote: 
> dssweet at (dssweet at said something that sounded like:
> > I was unclear in my earlier statement. Kingdom Dance is NOT considered to be on
> > the same level as King's College, Queen's Champion, Kingdom A&S, Academy of the
> > Rapier/Bow, etc. It is not considered a "Reoccurring Kingdom Event".
> I see what problem you are trying to address now.
> > I've
> > appended the pertenant section of Kingdom Law, from Article V: Kingdom Events.
> > The reader will notice that Kingdom Dance is not mentioned below. My earlier
> > statements about fixing this problem, I believe, are still valid.
> Personally I think it is a mistake to list these events in Kingdom Law
> at all, expect for perhaps those that must occur at certain times.

I'm afraid that I erased the message that quoted the kingdom law, but if I
remember correctly, it did not say these were the only Kingdom Events.
Perhaps if it said "such as" or " such as, but not limited to" and then 
listed the events. 

Lord Stefan li Rous
stefan at
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