ANST - awards ...

Pat Mullins padric at
Tue Jul 20 22:56:17 PDT 1999

On Sat, 17 Jul 1999 13:18:09 -0500 j'lynn yeates <jyeates at> wrote:
>On 17 Jul 99, at 14:00, Gladwen at wrote:
>> Please--Please---if you recommend someone for an award at a certain 
>> court--please make sure they are there. The scrolls that are prepared
>> represent many hours of work by the scribes who paint them so beautifully.
>> To think of wasting one is unnacceptable to anyone who has ever spent
>> hours painting. 
>question ... which is more important, honoring the person's accomplishments 
>(whether of not they are there) or the "theater" of the presentation of trhe 
>trappings of that award ???? 
>if they are not present that that particular event, what's the problem with 
>simply announcing the award and then holding the trappings of that award unitil 
>the next event where they are present to physically receive them?

My lady and I were to receive our AoAs last year at an event we did not attend (and had not planned to attend, as our poor horse could not pull the wagon that far). Our local herald obtained the scrolls, and kept them a secret from us. At the next event we did attend, he called us into court before their Majesties Richard and Gladwen to receive them. My lady, Jilleighanne of Lindisfarne, was so amazed at being called into court that she nearly swooned at Gladwen's feet. Did our awards mean any less to us because the date and place on the scrolls did not coincide with the date and place we received them? Not a bit. We were pleased and honored to have received recognition at all, and those beautifully painted scrolls are now cherished possessions, wrong dates and places and all.

Padric   (v8

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