ANST - Boffer Combat Thoughts

Sean Bartholome okami69 at
Tue Mar 9 14:59:27 PST 1999

>The hormone largely responsible for aggressive behavior and competitive 
>physical responses in girls is *still* testosterone (in much smaller 
>amounts, granted).  Nonetheless, perhaps it would be more universally 
>correct to say simply that the average teenager's physical 
>control, and restraint are not as sophisticated as that of their adult 

In terms of boffer combat, I would disagree.  Like I've pointed out 
before, I've been involved in boffer combat for 13 years.  I've seen 
many a teenager, boy or girl, beat quite soundly many of their elders.  
I think they are very coordinated, and with the proper training, and 
supervision, should have no problem with control.  

As for the control issue, I don't see that as something being restricted 
to just younger people.  I've also seen many a oldster, of varing body 
type, with alot less coordination and control than most youngsters.  

Now the younger divisons, like 6-9, they will have coordination 
problems, so might the 10-13 group but less than their younger 
conterparts.  And the eldest...well have you ever seen a high school 
sporting event?  Well I kinda wonder what coordination is needed to play 
football, soccer, baseball, basketball, or volleyball.  Please Sir 
Lyonel give them some credit.  At 16 you can start getting them in they will probably want to be in that armor. 

Yours in Service,

Sabishii Okami

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