ANST - RE: Looking for the heat

harry billings psobaka at
Tue May 18 15:00:51 PDT 1999

<stuff snipped>

>All of the judging experience and knowledge will not help you if you do not
>know the basics of the field being judged.  All the subject knowledge will
>not help you gain the people skills to critique positively.  Let's try one
>on for size.
>Hold a two day A&S competition where experienced judges and  subject experts
>will serve as consultants.  By entering the competition, competitors agree
>to serve as judges.  As judges, they may consult the experts or each other
>freely, but they must make their own evaluations.  All scoring is to be done
>on Kingdom standard forms.
>On the second day, award prize both for the works and the judging.  Hold
>workshops on how to improve the judging.  
Hey ! I *like* that idea, Good thinking Bear.  This will give the nonjudges
an understanding of what it takes to judge and train more judges as well as
letting the people who seem to always wind up judging a chance to compete
for fun.

Saffiya 'bint Da'ud Al'Mubbarrak

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