ANST - Thankyou

Beth Zimmerman bethzimm at
Mon Oct 11 17:11:29 PDT 1999

For those that didn't make the wedding you missed a great time.  It was a mini event complete with List and Bardic.  The winner of the Bardic, who sadly wasn't me, received a 500 song bard book.  I cannot regretfully remember the lady's name who won, but I will fondly remember her voice.  Beautiful.  Lord Talon of Blackoak (the archer) took the List which ended with a melee that the archers could partake in.  They also wanted a chance at the prize.  A beautiful claymore.  Feasting, revelry, and a good time was had by all.  Oh, yeah, and Simone and Duncan got married.  It was nice being momma of the bride.

Afrena Ui' Dunlainghe
  From: Lady Simone 
  To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG 
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 1:02 PM
  Subject: ANST - Thankyou

  I would like to thank everyone who helped with My wedding the first weekend of this month it was a great and special time for me. I would like to extend a special thank you to HL Gilly and his wife for cooking such a wonderful feast, To HLy Louise and the shire of Middleford for helping me to set up the site for the wedding. And to those of the Barony of Elfsea that came down to help that kept me sane and grounded so I could enjoy the weekend. It was special to me and I owe you all a debt if gratitude

  Lady SImone Ui' Dunlainghe
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