ANST - Speacial Needs at Gulf Wars (longish)

Sara Bairrington katri4684 at
Sat Apr 1 16:44:28 PST 2000

As one who has worked Special Needs at both Estrella and Great Western War, 
it is one of the most welcome services that can be offered.  We have radios 
and are on 'call' so to speak most of the day and into the evening.  It 
takes a double seat golf cart to do the job well.  Remember, a lot of us 
special needs folks are not tiny by any means.  You can work it through 
security or thru the autocrat's channel.  Radio dispatch is the best way to 
do it, and as a special needs person myself, I volunteered to run some of 
the shifts so I got to see the site and what was going on as well.  Also, 
you might think about a few runs through the merchant areas for those who 
simply cannot begin to walk it.  One other way to do special needs rather 
than radio dispatch is to have numerous 'pick-up' points and run 
circuits.  But that is not an easy solution since some of us have trouble 
walking even that far.

Please Gulf Wars staff, this is a service that makes or breaks a war for 
many people.

Baroness Ulrike the Franke, expatriot Ansteorran now in Caid.

At 07:40 PM 3/30/00, you wrote:
>Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain wrote:
> >I would be happy to volunteer to work shifts for a Special Needs unit, and
>have spoken with several people who have voiced their willingness to do so
> >
> >Opinions?  Comments?
> >
> >In Service
> >Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain
> >of House Mac an Ghabhann
> >Seneschal of the Canton of Loch Ruadh
> >
> >--
> >Nunc Est Bibendum
> >**********
> >Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
>I would be happy to volunteer my assistance as well.  Perhaps Troll could
>take names, times, etc and run it in conjuction with Security?
>Marianna la Faye
>Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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