ANST - walls and such.....

Nathan W. Jones njones at
Fri Aug 25 17:05:50 PDT 2000

Dear Friends,

My my...I fear this has gone way beyond my original intent.  My apologies 
to the list for starting a conversation that has turned impolite.

Milady Olivia wrote:
> Walls or No Walls...shouldn't it be a matter for each household/person to 

Yes it should.  You are quite right.  My initial impression was formed by 
an event outside of our kingdom that, in my opinion, sometimes barely 
qualifies as concerning the SCA.  Pug was also right to remind me of the 
different nature of Pennsic as compared to any other event, and seen in 
that light, I understand and greater appreciate the walls around the Moritu 
encampment.  (which, by the by, has some really wonderful artwork painted 
on the panels.)

Lady Mary Elizabeth wrote:
> This is not what I meant, you have taken this completely out of context. 
> would NEVER say that those with mundane tents have to hide their tents. 
> one who until recently camped in a mundane tent I find that most 
> and will to most who still do.  This was merely a suggestion for those
> looking to make their camp more period without having to go to the 
> of making or buying a period tent.

Lady, I completely understood your original intent and by my post meant no 
disrespect to you or your opinion.  In a sense I was playing Cassandra and 
foretelling a false future colored by experiences outside the kingdom. 
 Build your walls, dear Lady, if you have the desire, I am sure they will 
but add to the ambiance of any event they grace.

> I apologize to anyone who I may have offended.

Alas, dear Lady, it is I who must apologize to you.

'wolf wrote:
> still not a idea that this kingdom needs ... this advocates creating
>  a "ghetto" mentality to segregate those not deemed PC (period
>  correct) enough away from the "elites".  i think you'll find those
>  who use mundane tents will not tolerate being hidden away for the
>  convenience of those that play the game at differing levels ....


Good milord, while I admit to have started at shadows over this topic, the 
above comment baffles me in it's fantastical nature.

I have reread the Lady Mary Elizabeth's letters concerning this topic, and 
still nowhere did I see the comment that everyone with a mundane tent 
*should* make fabric walls to cover them.  What I saw and read were very 
helpful comments on ways one could make an encampment less modern, if one 
chooses too.  Granted I am paraphrasing quite a bit, but I think I have the 
intent of her words correct.

and also 'wolf wrote:
> then why did you promote the idea of walls to hide mundane tents ....
> some of "us" do NOT accept the concept of ghetto's because we are not
> up to someone elses standards.  it's an open field or nothing as far
> as my cynn are concerned.

Again milord, I am baffled as to the origin of this comment as well.  You 
and your "cynn" may do as you please.  Follow your bliss, and all that.

And milord 'wolf did go on to say:
> there is NO common consensus "DREAM" .... that is a personal thing
> that varies from person to person and varies over time, as it should.
>  it has developed into a shield that people use to cover whatever
> action is currently popular .. those that disagree are shunned /
> attacked.  sounds like perfect new age PC politics to me!
[much snipped]

This very much sounds like a personal crusade of yours.  Good for you to 
have such strongly held opinions!  However, I do have a problem relating it 
to the conversation.  Perhaps it would have been better suited under it's 
own subject line?

respectfully yours,
Giovanni di Cellini
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