ANST - Regional Archery Marshals

Duke, Wes WDuke at
Wed Mar 29 06:57:48 PST 2000

	Perronnelle wrote:

	This was the rule when I was an archery marshall 8? 9? years ago.
	it was a kingdom rule then.  Anyway, does it need to be a
	marshall or is there such a thing as an archery marshall-at-large?
	such a thing exists, how does one become authorized?


The rules used to read that there had to be an Archer in Charge but he did
not have to be warranted nor an officer of the SCA. If you want to be an
Archery Marshal submit a bid to your Regional or to me if you live in a
region that does not currently have one.

Lord Fearghus MacKenna
Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery Ansteorra

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