ANST - SCA in print

Cam Battaglia cbattaglia at
Mon Oct 9 07:36:03 PDT 2000

Those of us in the Barony of Stargate, particularly Clan Wyldenfrey, would
be most happy to invite you to spend time with us.  We honor all of our
friends, regardless of race, color, creed, religious affiliation, etc.  As
matriarch of Clan Wyldenfrey, I invite you to please feel to visit with us.
We will do our utmost to make you feel at home, answer any questions, clothe
and feed you as well.  (As the mother, I like to see well-fed, happy
"children" around me.  This is a good thing!)

These weekends I can be found at the SCA demo at the Texas Renaissance
Festival - I am the crowd marshall coordinator and if not in the compound
can be found at the mound walking with my white staff.  Just ask for "Momma
Cammie" and most anyone will direct you to me. After the run of TRF, I will
be at Bordermarch Melees and then Stargate Yule Revel.

Well met,
Ly. Katrina Alyse Argo
a.k.a. Momma Cammie
m.k.a.*	Cam Battaglia
*	CIS - Houston Division
*	Customer Service Representative
*	Phone:  713-849-9604
*	Fax:  713-849-9608
*	Cell:  832-326-1618
*	Email:  cbattaglia at

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ansteorra at
[mailto:owner-ansteorra at]On Behalf Of Melinda
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 8:35 AM
To: ansteorra at
Subject: Re: ANST - SCA in print

    it is a delicate situation - what is the SCA's view and feelings
people of .....darker skin complexions, participating and/or joining
the SCA
and the events.  in other words, will there be a problem ???   i do
not want
any more problems in life, i have enough.....   i can always continue
my own thing without an organization to share it with, but i think it
be nice to share !!!

    thank you for your honesty and responses.

always a lady....


I agree with the others that spoke before me. I have never seen a
problem with color of skin. I am friends with people regardless of
things like that. Come and be welcome. Any help I might offer please
let me know.

In service to the love of the Dream,
Lady Aerin of Adlersruhe
aerin at

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