[Ansteorra] Re: UR 1st GW

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Thu Dec 27 13:28:26 PST 2001

Dear Friends on the List,

I don't post very often but couldn't resist this one.  My first Gulf War was
# 1.  I remember the 20 or so merchants, the 500 or so people, mostly
Ansteorran, and the stifling heat since it was held in June or something
like that.  Most of that 1st war was dealing with heat prostration which
staying the the pool helped a lot (much naked drunkeness around the pool at
night was the order of the war).  My most VIVID memory was the procession
onto the field by all our fighters.  Almost each and every one of them wore
the Ansteorran tabard, each sewn by lady, household, barony, or just good
friends.  The black and gold banners were everywhere, hung from banner pole,
and polearm and favor belt.   The procession seemed to last forever as our
fighters streamed by singing "By the Rising of the Star".
I thought I was going to burst with pride over how glorious our brave men
and women looked that sunny day.

I've attended each and every Gulf War since and hope to attend many more.
As for the wet, I have to agree with a previous writer concerning being
prepared.  Pack lots of garbage bags and if you can, have someone always in
the camp who can exercise "damage" control by snugging down and securing the
camp in the event of sudden downpours.  If you can't do this and must leave
your camp unattended, never-repeat-*never* leave your camp without first
securing it as tho' it was going to be hit by a typhoon.  You can always
reopen doors and windows to air out the tent but bailing one out that you
left open is no fun.  I have not experienced this myself but have had to
help many who did and it is *not* fun.  Lots of dry socks in the bottom of
something waterproof is recommended.  Wet is ok.  Cold is ok.  But Wet and
Cold is downright miserable and asking for pneumonia.  Considering that
antibiotics are becoming less and less effective against that disease, you
might be getting more of a bug than you bargined for.  So think ahead, plan
ahead, writie out that list and check it off.  It just might be worth all
the trouble it seems at the time.  I remain...

In Service,
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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