[Ansteorra] Re: Electronic publishing

Synrik synrik at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 1 08:38:54 PDT 2001

I may be preaching to the choir, but doesn't Java Script (cookies and beans) allow
added security restrictions to a web sight beyond the 'enter password'.  With some
of the 'grab it' and 'request' features of the code you can identify everything
from the server down to the machine and user that it trying to access the sight
itself.  If you combine that with the data-base of subscribers into a self
building index and allow for the option of un-subscribing from the hard copy, then
you would be both secure and cost effective.  So weather you were using PDF or
HTML, you would have to have the correct password and be using the indexed machine
for your password.  And as an incintive to go to an electronic subscription, could
not some of the A&S people begin publishing their papers, artwork and "how-to's"
to the sight as well?

Of course having the roles of current paid memberships could help add a little
more flexibility to the system as well.

Then again, I may be geeking way to much these days.

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