[Ansteorra] Requesting information

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Mon Apr 1 21:14:21 PST 2002


Can someone please tell me the following information?

1.  What was the dates for the last "9 Worthies" event held by Stargate
about 9 or 10 years ago?

2.  What was the date for the event where Fynanngath (sp?) lost its
incipient standing?  I believe the event was called something like "Fezant
Uprizing" or something like that.

Much thanks in advance for anything you can help me with.  I got into a
cleaning frenzy a couple of years ago and threw out 12 or 13 years worth of
accumulated BlackStars.  Wouldn't you know it...now I could use them.  :(

Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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