[Ansteorra] Count Sir Aveloc the Younger

C. Weed cweed at austin.rr.com
Fri Feb 1 08:01:47 PST 2002

In counterpoint to Master Tivar, I'd like to add that I believe this subject
is *absolutely* germane to the Ansteorran email list.  I think that there is
a large audience of Ansteorrans who do not follow the rialto shenanigans and
consequently miss out when the rare important issue pops up... such as this
one.  I'm not in total disagreement with you, Master Tivar; I think our good
countrymen should *also* read the Rialto commentary (however tedious) on
this issue as well as the BoD minutes on the subject.

I'm not saying that I think Aveloc is a peach of a guy or even 100% correct
in his arguments- I'm not even sure I disagree with his DoM- but he sure as
heck has some valid points about what ails the sca government.  And since
the scas government covers all Ansteorrans, I think it can't hurt to have
Ansteorrans brush up on this current event.  If you think dealing with a
bully on the field, marshallate arguments, Crowns who abuse/liberate their
subjects in regard to Corpora, and most importantly, philosophical
differences with the way the BoD operates are just An Tir issues, you'd
better brush up on your *recent* local history.  Can I get an Amen?

I have long been moved to write about the whole Crown and Kingdom vs. BoD
issue on our own list... I've just got to get over the image and
implications of a rebel flag flying again ;)

On behalf of States Rights and with respect to the Recent Unpleasantness,

Sir D.

Tivar penned:

As I understand it, that website only presents Sir Aveloc's version of the
situation. This issue has been discussed extensively over on the Rialto
(rec.org.sca) and you can review the threads ("BOD Meeting" and
"Petition?") via Google. I don't see how discussing something that happened
in An Tir is particularly germane to an Ansteorran email list.

	-Tivar Moondragon

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