[Ansteorra] "Blat", Griffins and Event Flyers

DAFPIG at aol.com DAFPIG at aol.com
Wed Jan 30 10:28:32 PST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Greetings everyone,

Thanks Barn for asking, and Timo for answering, about "dream of Griffins"
because I actually wondered about that myself.  I guess  we both know now <G>

Barn, we are setting up a table at Brad Leahs Ansteorran Tribute for groups
to put out event flyers.  We know your Barony has an event coming up soon and
invite you to bring some flyers along to give out.  If your unable to attend,
perhaps you could mail us some or send them with someone?    Almar,, bring
some flyers for Border Wars as well!  We'd love to help promote your events
anyway we can!

This invitation is open for any group that has an upcoming event.. Bring your
flyers and we'll put them out :).  It's an additional, easy way we can remind
folks about upcoming events.  Cooperation between groups only promotes a
stronger kingdom!

Shire Brad Leah

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