[Ansteorra] Children at Events

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 29 13:56:59 PDT 2002

> If you didn't get to attend, we dressed the children like pirates and had
> them "attack" the Barony of the Steppes. It was a great deal of fun to watch
> (and participate) and the parents kept telling me on Sunday about how well
> the kids slept that night because they were so worn out!

It was really neat!

> My question is this...Why do we insist on shoving the children off into some
> obscure corner at an event and not plan at least one activity that they
> participate in??

Lack of people in a group to volunteer to organize, plan and execute the

It takes forethought, planning and the willingness to spearhead...
and if people don't wish to volunteer...it is not something you should
bully them into...the kids will do better playing on their own than
picking up a bad attitude from an adult who doesn't want to be around them...

> Getting our children involved in events where they can be the center of
> attention for just a few moments could keep them interested in the SCA.
> Newcomers aren't the onlt ones who are our future...our children are too!

I heartily agree...

> Maria
> (aka Diane, Ryan and Paige's mom)

Lorraine DeerSlayer

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