[Ansteorra] Children at Events

CE Huse/Lady Maria Cabeca de Vaca cehuse at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 29 12:27:38 PDT 2002


With all the talk about family caps, money, manners and the such, it got me
to thinking that we should involve our children more at events. Like Master
Petruccio mentioned in his post "Family Costs", the children were heavily
involved at Steppes Warlord this year.

If you didn't get to attend, we dressed the children like pirates and had
them "attack" the Barony of the Steppes. It was a great deal of fun to watch
(and participate) and the parents kept telling me on Sunday about how well
the kids slept that night because they were so worn out!

My question is this...Why do we insist on shoving the children off into some
obscure corner at an event and not plan at least one activity that they
participate in?? During tournaments, there is plenty of time during the
lunch break for the kids to do something. Sometimes, if there is enough time
(and a little pre-planning) at court, why not have the children make
something to present to the Baron/ess or the Crown?

Getting our children involved in events where they can be the center of
attention for just a few moments could keep them interested in the SCA.
Newcomers aren't the onlt ones who are our future...our children are too!

(aka Diane, Ryan and Paige's mom)

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