[Ansteorra] Period Religious Jewelery

Darius and Monica dmriney at earthlink.net
Mon May 6 05:22:20 PDT 2002

In like manner of Mistress Mari's answer of things that "might have been"
jewelry of religious nature; many amulets made from antler points and/or
antler crowns (the part where it flares out and attached to the head) have
been found in digs in Northern Europe, Scandinavia, and the Britannic Isles.
Many of those found have been either incised (scrimshaw is the post period
term for this art) or carved in very basic base relief with geometric
patterns, including allot of dots and circles. Beads made of antler were
also found decorated in this fashion.
Although it is not known for sure wether or not these amulets were truly of
religious nature it is a distinct possibility.

In Faith

Master Darius of the Bells, OL
"Besides the artist two things are to be considered in every art, -
the instrument and the audience" - Sir Walter Raliegh

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