[Ansteorra] re: Query...

Tessa Nieto eleanor_cleavely at yahoo.com
Sat May 11 17:58:09 PDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

 Why did I join?

Well, I didn't have much of a choice really. My roommate, Lady Aurelia Yverneau, dragged me to the Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games after I taunted her for losing all her stuff at Wetlord. She dressed me in the rattiest costume she had and shoved me head-first into the SCA. I joined because I was intrigued with the people, the clothes, the fighting and the pagentry.

Why did I stay?

I met my husband that day. :O) I stay because, no matter what I look like, do in life, have in my bank account or what I wear - there are people in the Society who accept me for who I am. They see the real me. Plus, the fighters are cute and I'm a ham so...why not stay?

Lady Eleanor Cleavely
Apprentice to Master Darius of the Bells
Barony of Elfsea
  Marc Carlson <marccarlson20 at hotmail.com> wrote: Why did I join?

It was the Chicks that did it...


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