[Ansteorra] A thought about why people leave for feast...

Dom thunder-domi at coxinet.net
Mon May 13 20:56:13 PDT 2002

Ido! It was my father's (Ld Jonn Elynn) orange and white parachute that was
used several times when they couldn't get the GP medium that was usually
use for the Red Bull Tavern. I was just talking to my father and he said
something about that one of the most memorable times that they used the
parachute was for an archery event that he and my mother(Ldy Ygraine of the
Alluring Smile) autocrated that got rained out and they called it the
"Boggy Woggles" event. :-) Lots of fun times back then!
I hope that you can come up for Wiesenfeuer Baronial this year Your Grace.
 As anyone who has been to my hafla will agree that my friends and I do a
great job with the atmosphere.  I have several bags that I take to events
now and some friends of mine started calling it Hafla in a Bag or Domi's
Taveling Hafla. I love it.  I hope that you are able to come and if not I
hope that we will see each other soon.

Hldy Dominique
Hospitaler of Wiesenfeuer

-----Original Message-----
From:	willow taylor [SMTP:jonwillowpel at juno.com]
Sent:	Monday, May 13, 2002 6:04 PM
To:	ansteorra at ansteorra.org
Subject:	Re: RE: [Ansteorra] A thought about why people leave for feast...

This is what I was talking about. Did any of you wondered who put up the
Parachute? I know I was part of the team that did it at least fifteen
times in my SCA career. I was part of the groups that thought it was nice
to create the pretty areas where there could be magic. For about 25 years
I had no troubles finding people who thought creating special areas was a
fun thing to do but for the last 8 years I have not been able to find
anyone who wants to work on these kinds of activities.
 My problem is my health. While I can do a lot I can stand on my feet
long enough to supervise everything and I can get to enough events to
'''sell" the ideas. Also a lot of the young organizers are working in
households. I think household events are great but I think we need
activities that are open to all.


On Fri, 10 May 2002 17:25:56 -0400 Reihla at aol.com writes:
> > Domi said:
> > One of my favorite memories of the SCA was when I was a
> > little girl and we would sit under a great parachute
> > pavilion with pillows and carpets scattered everywhere and > next
> to the pavilion there were a couple of campfires
> > going.
> Those days weren't so long ago.  Those were some of the best times
> when I joined, and that's only been about 15 or so years ago.  Wait
> a minute, how old are you?
> I'm the first to admit I love the Haflas and drumming, and the
> bardic circles.  But some of the best times were just sitting out in
> the middle of the list field all night long telling stories with a
> group of people you didn't know.  By the time the sun came up the
> next morning (and you were all there to see it) you felt like those
> folks were some of your best friends.
> Ah, the good old days...  Have I been around long enough to say that
> yet?
> Kat  >^.,.^<
> Wiesenfeuer
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