[Ansteorra] Ancient Roman Transvestite

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Tue May 28 09:23:35 PDT 2002

Madelina de Lindesaya commented:
> I am reminded of a satirical article in Games magazine
> from back in the 80's, where archaeologists of the
> future do just that when discovering a motel.  MOVIEA
> and MOVIEB, they decide, were the gods, and the t.v.
> set was the shrine.

For a similar article, see this file in the DANCE section
of the Florilegium:
dance-par-art     (12K)  1/20/92    What the future might think of 20th dance.

> One wonders what archaeologists of the future would
> think upon finding the remains of a SCAdian with say,
> dental work or some other sign of the 20th century,
> yet clothing or jewelry or some other momento
> portraying an earlier period.

This is why replicas of period coins are supposed to be marked
as such.

coins-msg         (86K)  1/12/01    Period coins, making coins.

THL Stefan li Rous
stefan at texas.net

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