[Ansteorra] Question 11/11(LONG and PREACHY)

Eric Brown caladin at io.com
Tue Nov 12 10:48:01 PST 2002

In my opinion, the people who seem to act differently in the SCA than
outside the SCA morals wise,
are just showing a side of themselves they normally keep hidded in the real

Given the chance and opportuinty they will do the same thing to you in
mundane life that they do to you in
in persona. be it rudeness, pomposity, political machinations, or even just
sleeping around (not necissarly a bad thing :) ).

The false anonimity of a fake name and "costume", combined with a greater
acceptance level of "oddness"  may let them
give these features greater play (or lower camoflauge) but nothing they do
is not already a part of their fundamental character
(or lack there of).

ON THE OTHER HAND... (Preach mode on, Soap box activated)

It seems to me that that in some twisted backwards way, the people we are
closest to are the people we stop being civil to first. Perhaps because
at some basic level we feel they have to accept us (in particular our
spouses, alas). Someone you consider family will often be treated without
thought in a
way you'd never in a million years treat a stranger.

Watch yourself and how you treat your spouse and closest kin, and see if you
don't do it too... Snapping at them when stressed, forgetting the pleases
and thank-yous, ordering instead of asking. Forgetting to give those you
love and cherish the respect and civilty you'd give, without thought, to a
total stranger.

Screwed up ain't it...

<just pretend I wrote the requsite admonission to apply this "wisdom" in
your own life here>

In the end though....A skunk in a cat suit is still a skunk.


> To you, are your actions and personna in the SCA seperate from your
> existance. Meaning do you hold a different standard of behaviour and
> interaction in the SCA than you do with people in other parts of your
> I ask this because there are several people whom I  have interacted with
> who I have seen be very manipulative, controlling, and have been
> underhanded  and destructive in respect to their actions in the SCA (they
> seem to see all their interactions with the SCA as personna play)...but
> when seeing them outside an SCA context they expect me to still trust them
> and see them as friends...I just want to know if this is a "norm"
> Lorraine

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