[Ansteorra] Award Query

Chris Zakes moondrgn at austin.rr.com
Thu Oct 30 17:54:57 PST 2003

At 01:27 AM 10/30/03 -0600, you wrote:

>Yes, in the early years, there was an award given to Households which 
>had rendered continuing service to the Kingdom... it was called the 
>'Pillars of Ansteorra' and its 'signifier' was a cord of twisted black & 
>gold for the members (at least, that's what my faulty memory says... and 
>I still have my cord).
>Shanahan the Fey

*My* memory (which is marginally fresher than Mistress Shanahan's <G>) says
that the "Pillars of Ansteorra" was an award from our Principality days.
Maybe there's someone in the Herald's Office who can check to see if the
award is still active?

	-Tivar Moondragon

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