[Ansteorra] Personas Anyone?

Kaitlynn Morgan kaitlynnmorgan at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 12 20:18:21 PST 2004

Saturday, January 29th, 2005

We Need Speakers!
Even if you do not know "all there is to know" about
your persona, come out and tell us what you do know.

If you are like me, and don't really have a persona developed yet, but have
been playing for a bit, come out and give your advice on getting started in
the SCA.

If you consider yourself to have a well-developed persona, we will be having
a contest, so come and win it.

It will be held at Halldor's tavern (Shawnee, OK), near a toasty fire, 
January 29th. We
will get the ball rolling at about 9am. We will be covering "the basics"
until about noon, when we will have a pot-luck dinner. Starting about 1, we
will be having people there to talk about specific regional personas until
about 5. We will also be having a blacksmithing class that day. There will
be a revel afterwards, and overnight camping is permitted.

Please, if you know something, come out and share it with everyone! We plan
on (or atleast are trying to) cover the following personas:

*Scottish/ Irish/ Celtic
*Middle Eastern
*Anglo-Saxon / Elizibethan
*And anything else we can get people to come talk about

We will have something to intrest everyone.

Our area is growing by leaps and bounds. We see more and more eager new
faces at pop meetings and fighter practices. This is our chance to educate
everyone (new or veteran) on how to live the middle ages....as they should
have been!

Best of all, there is no site fee and no charge for any of the classes.

Please contact me, or Selerna of Wolfstar, for any information.

Thank you,

In sane--- I mean---service,
~kaitlynn morgan

kaitlynnmorgan at hotmail.com

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