Land - Re: [Ansteorra] Question 12/13

Chass chass at
Sun Dec 18 10:57:31 PST 2005

     Ahh but in a society where Honor is supposed to be the norm why would 
one want to go around a law designed to aid those who are... limited in 
mobility or etc from attending? If one pays anything for a site then it is 
considered rentd by federal standards. I can name off top my head 2 places 
that rented to a Pagan group function and basically charged them very 
little, but someone filed case against them. The problem doesnt just stop at 
the owner of the site but the group was also liable for they chose the site. 
Thats what I was getting at it is not just the responsability of the land 
owner but those chooseing the sites as well. (Again people I am not trying 
to be a A.D.A. nazi just trying to show where there are more concenrs than 
most people think). Both the site and the group were charged for A.D.A. 

     Now this is worse case scenerio.. like someone gets really peeved and 
files a suit. Which honestly will happen sooner or later. Not by me... cause 
I will not harm the game I play. But there are A.D.A. Nazi's who will join a 
group just to have case standing and sue they are as inevitable as hot 
weather in Oklahoma and Texas.. we have just been lucky so far.

Charinthalis Del Sans of the portable Chariot
Chass Brown
Muddeler of Mead, Ailement of Ale and Whiner of wine
Honorable Recruiter of house of the Red Shark, Have you seen my Belaying 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <niklas at>
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at>
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Land - Re: [Ansteorra] Question 12/13

>I am not talking about rented property, I am speaking of private 
>rent exchanged or implied. The cases I am referring to are like the 
>arrangement BG has with it's local site provider where BG hold many of it's 
> Private property, no rent charged. No ADA issues. There are also ways 
> around many of the ADA provisions.
> If a group is going to use private land for it's events on a regular 
> basis, there needs to be a very, very, very clear understanding as to 
> who's the boss, who owns the land and who calls the shots.
> Other wise, that is a recipe for a disaster in the future.
> With all the goofy policies the SCA BoD's have, I am not surprised they 
> don't have one that makes sense covering this subject.
> Just my 2 cents and your mileage will vary.
> Niklas

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