[Ansteorra] Suggestion for Kingdom Property

Lori Campbell countesskat at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 10:37:38 PST 2005

> Although these comments do not appear to be directed
> at the auction of regalia during the last reign of 
> TGs Patrick Michael & Julia, I'd like everyone to be

> assured that TGs made every effort to ascertain
> of the various items and return any items desired by
> the donors.  There were items that were returned
> than auctioned.

> --ihon
> Kingdom Chamberlain

I'm sure that was the case and sincerely hope nothing
I said inferred otherwise.  

I've been out of the loop for a while and had no idea
of the particulars (where/when/who) of the
aforementioned auction.  It falls under the heading of
something I know nothing about, so I took great pains
not to mention it specifically.  If I gave it any
thought at all I probably would've assumed there was a
caviat that original artisans could snag their own
items free of charge - rather like owners can at
auctions of lost and found items.

I know quite well that Kingdom has little choice but
to find a means of disposition for old, retired items.
 Paying rental on storage space to keep them
indefinitely isn't practical no matter how much
sentimental value they have.  Throwing them away
doesn't seem a particularly nice thing either.  

Giving them back to the artisan is ideal, but, as I
mentioned before, Kingdom doesn't have a practical
means of tracking down these people (though its nice
to know they try).  That said, auctions are the lesser
of many evils and offer the plus of raising money for

DISCLAIMER: My suggestion was only intended to be
helpful for the future.  Wiesenfeuer tried something
that worked out well for all sides.  I thought others
might benefit from the suggestion. Any other motive
found or assigned therein was neither intended nor
implied by the author.  

Kat M.

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