[Ansteorra] An open apology to all

ThoraOdottir at aol.com ThoraOdottir at aol.com
Wed Jun 29 21:46:15 PDT 2005

It has come to my attention that I need to do some apologizing.  I  have 
learned that folks feel that I have been taking undue advantage of the  kindness 
of my peers (mundane definition...meaning all of ya'll not just Peers)  and 
wearing out my welcome in some circles.
I am sorry that I have behaved this way.  If was never my intention to  wrong 
anyone.  I have been insensitive to the feelings and needs of  others.  
Insensitive enough that I don't even know who all out there my  feel this way.  
That is why I am sending this post.  I am sorry to  everyone I have treated this 
way.  Those I know about have been contacted  personally.  This is for those 
that I don't know about.
I will endeavor to better pull my weight and contribute my part according  to 
the level at which I participate.
I sincerely apologize to all of you. Especially those closest to me.
I am deeply sorry.
If anyone feels the need to respond to this please do so privately and lets  
not further glut the lists with this. Thanks
Thora O. mka Kristi C.

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