[Ansteorra] Xanthe's Ansteorran panty project.

rachel luce rachel_luce1975 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 30 23:01:19 PDT 2005

Warlord special edition. 
So the care package I sent my Lord *finally* arrrived. For those of you who were good sports and wore my undies (thus gaining the priviledge of signing them--except for Don Tivar 'cause he's schpecial) here is his initial reaction: 
  "At first I wondered why you sent undies, and then I saw them and spent the next 5 minutes reading and laughing my ASS OFF!! THANK YOU and everyone who signed it." 
Notice he doesn't question the color scheme of the undergarment. Bad, *bad* cadet. I really thought I had better taste in clothing but apparently not. ;-D
 Again, everybody, thank you. I know it was an odd request but so many people settled for "Quick! Is anybody looking?" and then wore the undies. Except Sir Richard, who, after donning the panties, had to be chased down and forcibly seperated from them. o.O 

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